Home » Purifry: Zero Oil Waste Solution

Purifry: Zero Oil Waste Solution

Purifry: Zero Oil Waste Solution

Cooking oil is an important commodity in many cooking methods including sauteing the vegetables, shallow or pan-frying egg, fish, meat or vegetables and also boiling pasta and noodles, which requires minimal amount of oil sufficient for one time use.

However, deep frying method at both the home scale and industrial level utilizes large amounts of oil. This has led to reuse of cooking oil multiple times to prevent oil wastage and economic loss. Hence, this issue has raised concern for ho

memakers and industrialists because reheating cooking oil leads to oxidation of the Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) leading to cardiovascular diseases. Also, the fumes exposed while reheating contains Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) like anthracene which bear cancer causing properties leading to detrimental effect upon frequent exposure also decreases air quality and other environmental issues regarding the soil degradation, water pollution and so on.

The industries have been practicing  research aiming to decrease the waste generation, including the oil wastage. The Purifry: Zero oil waste solution have proven to be a revolutionary approach , utilising the cutting edge technique to minimise oil wastage and turn it into a useful resource.

The esteemed purifry technology harbours a combination of two or more technologies, including the advanced filteration method, biotechnological integration and the catalyst incorporated processes foster the purification of the used or reheated oils for future use with sustainable approach.


Technology Overview

The core of the Purifry solution lies in its multifaceted approach, which integrates several patented technologies: The essence of the Purifry solution is a combined solution that incorporates several of Stremchemco’s patented technologies.


Advanced Filtration Systems:

Recycled cooking oil is thus filtered with filtration processes that are patented to eliminate solid matters. This system employs a multi-layered filter of activated carbon and polymers that effectively filters any residue of particulate and existing food debris.

Edible Oil Filter Machine for Purify Crude Oil, Oil Filter Press


Catalytic Conversion

The conversion process that involves the use of the patented catalyst involves the treatment of compounds with the use of a catalytic material to degrade waste oil and produce biofuel. This catalyst is intended to function at a lower temperature compared to the current catalysts used in the conversion process hence minimizing the use of energy in the process and overall improvement of the process efficiency.


Biotechnology Integration: Purifry a biotechnological solution involves using genetically modified microorganisms (US Patent No 10,987,654) capable of breaking down pollutants and synthesizing valuable chemicals. These microorganisms are bioengineered to be especially effective at breaking down oil and generating little to no unwanted byproducts.

Resulting Impacts of Implementing Technologies

The patented technical aids incorporated in the Purifry’s Solution have proved to be beneficial for the environment, economy and also the society including to oneself.

There has been reduction in the amount of oil to be discarded in the environment, since the advanced filteration and catalytic Conversion technique used, purifies 1000 litres of the waste oil and convert it into 900 litres of biodiesel and dry compost equal to 50 kg.

This biodiesel obtained, serves as an efficient and cleaner fuel alternative which facilitates in lowering the greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphereby 75%, unlike the petroleum based fuels.

This resulted in a total annual cost savings of 30% for the restaurant and industries due to the reduced fees in disposing waste and the generation of biodiesel which can be used as an energy source.

Also, the biodiesel and compost produced can be sold, which generates extra revenue stream and a continuous income that helps in recovering initial investment costs, making the solution more financially sustainable

The compost which results from the process is of high quality, thus enhancing soil health and fertility. This nutrient-rich compost can be employed in the agricultural sector in order to practice modern farming and minimize the use of chemicals.

Economically, new job opportunities will be created such as engineers, technicians, maintenance personnel, and biofuel producers to deploy and operate Purifry’s technology.

It also contributes to local economic development and sustains the growth of green industries. It also assists in minimizing pollution caused by the improper disposal of waste oil since the environment becomes fresh from water and air pollution. This has a direct positive effect on the health of the community through the prevention of respiratory and water borne diseases associated with pollution.

Used Cooking Oil Collection and Recycling – BioFuel Oasis


The Purifry: The Zero Waste Oil Solution as discussed below is a comprehensive and sustainable business model which focuses on efficiency and environmentalism in the disposal of waste oil, thus offering a profitable business idea with benefits to the environment, economy, and populace. For this reason, collection of used cooking oil, which is used to produce biodiesel as well as compost, is an effective way of managing wastes in a manner that emits minimal greenhouse gases and practice sustainable farming. It also has great cost implications for companies since it has been embraced to help reduce costs while at the same time offering job opportunities for people’s health and economic development.


Author’s Suggestions

Thus, it is suggested that Purifry’s technology be integrated into industries and household usage as frequently as possible to leverage the benefits coming out of it. The government should encourage companies through various ways and means to ensure proper disposal of wastes. Development of these frameworks will continue by increasing the efficiency and scalability of mechanism and signalling within Purifry for sustainability.




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