Home » Green tea – Benefits, types, side effects, recipes.

Green tea – Benefits, types, side effects, recipes.

Green tea has been a popular drink in China and Japan for thousands of years. It is considered healthy because it has low caffeine content and beneficial antioxidants. Dragonwell, gunpowder, matcha, sencha, tencha, etc. Consuming it adequately can help you gain its health benefits. Know more about it by reading the article. 

What is green tea?  

It is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds. It does not undergo the withering and oxidation process that is used to make oolong tea and black tea. Green tea originated in China and later spread to other parts of the world.   

Antioxidants, which provide many health benefits. There are different types of green tea like dragon well, gunpowder, matcha, sencha, etc. All tea leaves are harvested by hand. The leaves are preserved using heat immediately after harvest.  

They is available in several forms like – single tea bags, loose leaf, instant powder, as supplements in the form of capsules and liquid extracts.   

Green tea.  

Image credits – https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/green-tea  

Types –

 There are 20 different types, few of the types are mentioned below: 

  • Sencha – It is rich in Vitamin C. It has a gentle sweetness and light astringency.   

Sencha green tea.  

Image credits – Wikipedia. 

  • Shincha – It is less bitter and astringent. It has a stimulating and refreshing flavour.   
  • Tencha- It boosts energy and metabolism.   

Tencha green tea.  

Image credits – myjapanesetea.com  

  • Matcha – It helps in rejuvenating the skin and cleanses the body.  


Image credits – freepik.com  

  • Bancha – It is more bitter and less fragrant. It helps in tooth decay and bad breath.  

Bancha green tea.  

Image credits – https://www.myjapanesegreentea.com/bancha  

  • Konacha – It doesn’t have a lot of health benefits but is affordable. 
  • Kukicha  It is more yellow or brown and makes you feel refreshed. 


Image credits – Wikipedia.  

  • Funmatsucha – It has more antioxidants and is bitter. It is beneficial for the common cold and headaches.  
  • Fukamushicha – It tastes moderately sweet and has calming effects on the stomach.  
  • Gyokuro – It is top-grade. It has a sweet and mild flavour.  

It also comes in several flavours like Moroccan mint, Tulsi, Chamomile, Jasmine, Himalayan, Honey lemon, etc.  

Health benefits  


Side effects –

Not consuming it moderately can cause a few problems.  Over consumption can cause the following side effects.

  • Drinking more than 8 cups of can cause headache and irregular heartbeat due to the presence of caffeine in it.   
  • Consuming a high concentration extract may cause liver problems.  
  • If consumed with other stimulant drugs, then it can cause an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.  

How to drink?  

Green tea does not need cream, sugar, and other additional ingredients. The health benefits of this tea are reduced if it is consumed with any additives. Mostly, it is prepared by brewing it with simmering water between 150 degrees Fahrenheit to 180 degrees Fahrenheit.  

The time of brewing depends upon the type of tea. Brewing tea for longer periods can make the tea bitter in taste.  

How to store?  

If it is stored properly then, its flavour can be retained. Store the tea in a place which is away from direct light. Store it in an airtight container, and away from anything that has a strong flavour.  


It originated in China and gained popularity later. People consume it due to its health benefits. It is necessary to consume it adequately to avoid its side effects. You can consider making it a daily part of your life as it can help in weight loss, lower the risk of various chronic diseases, and much more.  

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